Building a Better Energy Future for Puerto Rico:
Progress Dashboard

LUMA is focused on taking long-term actions to build a more reliable and more resilient energy system for our 1.5 million customers, while continuing our commitment to respond to outages and repair infrastructure across Puerto Rico every day. We are making historic progress on island-wide improvement projects and initiatives underway, which are improving reliability and support for our customers. Below provides an overview of the progress we are making on these projects and initiatives.

FEMA Projects

Moving FEMA projects forward to help rebuild and transform the electric system

  • 456 projects initiated

  • 171 projects obligated

  • 149 projects completed or in construction

Install 300,000 streetlights across all 78 municipalities to improve safety and energy efficiency

Goal by 12/31/24:
Install 176,000 Streetlights

Progress To Date:
125,000 Streetlights Installed

71% Complete

Goal by 12/31/24:
Start Work in 78 Municipalities

Progress To Date:
62 Municipalities with Work Underway

79% Complete

Assess and carry out 60 equipment upgrades at substations to address high voltage and improve reliability

Goal by 12/31/24:
Complete 22 Substation Assessments

Progress To Date:
14 Substation Assessments Completed

64% Complete

Goal by 12/31/24:
Start or Complete 36 Equipment Upgrades

Progress To Date:
23 Upgrades Underway or Completed

64% Complete

Clear 16,000 miles of powerlines to minimize downed poles and reduce power outages

Goal by 12/31/24: Clear 680 Miles of Powerlines

Progress To Date: 15 Miles of Powerlines Cleared
2% Complete

Routine Vegetation Trimming

Trim hazardous vegetation from infrastructure to minimize outages as part of daily vegetation management operations

Goal by 12/31/24: Clear 5,000 Miles of Powerlines ✔

Progress To Date: 5,016 Miles of Vegetation Cleared
>100% Complete

Assess 1.5 million smart meters to plan for future improvements to provide fast outage response

Goal by 12/31/24:
Assess 100,000 Smart Meters

Progress To Date:
95,835 Meters Assessed

96% Complete

Customer Energy Savings Programs

Help customers save energy at their home or business

Goal by 12/31/24:
Save 19 Million KWh of Energy

Progress To Date:
5.5 Million KWh of Energy Saved

28% Complete

Replace 100,000 poles to strengthen the electric system against storms

Goal by 12/31/24:
Replace 20,500 Poles

Progress To Date:
17,850 Poles Replaced

87% Complete

Data as of 9/10/2024. All the data above may vary from metrics that are regularly reported to the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau, FEMA and other agencies. The content included in this dashboard is for informational use only and is subject to change without notice.